Thursday, January 3, 2013

My Life Lately

The past week and a half has been a lot of ups and downs. We have a lot going on. I'm hoping that 2013 will be our year. Since I left the hospital, not a whole lot has changed. The pain is at least the same, if not worse. The only difference is, my legs are working better most of the time. Some days are better than others, and it seems like every day brings a new challenge. I am having some new issues, not huge ones, but I have been keeping track of everything for all of the doctors. I am unable to really use the wheelchair in the house we are currently in so I pretty much having to rely on the walker. Although I know I need it and that I am supposed to be using it all the time, I don't always do it. I am stubborn and it is even difficult in some areas of the house. The wheelchair seems to help more and the walker seems to add to the back pain a little. I always take something with me when we go out, it just depends on where we are going and what we will be doing what I will take. I don't know what is going to be in my future with my health but I am willing to do whatever they think is best. The only appointment I have scheduled as of now is just my regular monthly pain management appointment. I have to discuss with them that the steroid shots didn't help and that the medicine I am on is barely touching the pain. I really like the PA that my appointment is with and she said there are a lot of treatments they can try so it makes me hopeful that they will work on my pain.

I have gotten some good news but am still waiting on appointments and news in other areas. The good news is that yesterday morning I got a call from my neurologist's assistant. She told me that they had sent my file down and I would be getting a call from the Mayo Clinic within the next few days about whether they were going to take on my case. It's a start and I will take it. I also got a call yesterday afternoon about scheduling my appointment with the new neurosurgeon but was unable to do so at the time for some reason so they are supposed to figure it out and call me back today. I hope they get it straightened out because I really liked this surgeon. The bad news, which isn't really bad, is that I am still waiting for my PCM to request more authorizations for my specialists.

More has changed as well. Our lease in our current home is up next month and we found a house to buy. It is open enough for me to be able to move around in and doesn't have any stairs to get in or out. Our current home has steps to get in from every entrance. It is one floor and bigger so hopefully I will be able to use my wheelchair and walker the way I am supposed to be. We have already signed a contract on the house itself and last night we took the paperwork to the finance officer that he needed and signed some paperwork with him as well. He said that his underwriter, of course, cannot give him a 100% yes until they get everything done, but she is pretty sure that it is going to work out. I hope it does. My family really needs some good instead of bad all the time. Hopefully by next week we will know if the loan is approved and we can move forward and get closed by our projected 1-31-13 date.

I am just ready for a change. I am so sick of bad constantly popping up every where we look. I need my health to be taken seriously and get it handled before too much permanent damage is done. I do not want the wheelchair and walker to be a permanent thing.

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