Monday, March 25, 2013

Hoping for a good week

The weekend wasn't the most eventful that I had, but definitely not one of the best. I had to use my walker when we went out, thinking that Lowe's wouldn't have any power carts. It was pouring the rain so I didn't want to take my wheelchair since we have a truck and can't put it inside. Luckily, when we got there, they had some. That saved my legs and hips a ton of pain. Everything seems to be getting back to how it was in December before I was admitted to the hospital. I am having a ton of pain and severe numbness in them. It's not the easiest for me to be on my feet or walk, but I try my hardest to not let anyone know. When we got that done, I rested while my husband did the work that needed to be done on the house.

On Sunday, I had to go pick out my glasses. I don't really like wearing them, but I need them. I found a couple pair that I actually liked and felt looked good. I just hate knowing that I am 29 and am already starting with bifocals. I ordered the no line lenses so no one will be able to tell. After we got done, just walking around the store for less than an hour, my legs were so bad. I didn't anyone though. I did a couple little things with my husband, (watched him put up curtain rods and handed him the screws). After that, I remember baking some brownies and putting some things away in a box. According to what I was told, I did more than that. I lost at least a half hour. I guess after that, I told my mother-in-law that I wasn't feeling well. I laid down on the couch to relax. I then started having slurred, mumbly speech, and kept saying, "Pain, Pain...". After a little while of that, I finally went out and had some twitching. I must have been gagging, because when I came to, I was on my side and had a towel under my mouth. I still couldn't really talk when I woke up. I really saying that I was stuck and couldn't move. My arms and neck felt locked. My amazing husband worked them around and I started getting back to normal. All but the last part, I don't have any clue of it happening. I never remember what happens when I pass out or have a seizure, but I have never had memory loss before.

Today, I woke up in a lot of pain and have a very bad pressure headache in the back of my head. I hear whooshing noise in my ears at all times, just like I did before they drained the fluid. I finally see my neurologist tomorrow. I'm hoping that he will consult with my surgeon and agree with me, after me explaining all that is going on, that the shunt is the best thing for me right now. Who knows how it will turn out, but I usually have a pretty good experience with him. Him and his assistant always take me seriously and listen to what's going on. I also have to make sure to have him submit the referral to the Mayo Clinic so I can get my hotel and everything booked. Between now and my appointment tomorrow, I have decided to also look up conditions that are associated with Chiari to see if any of them can explain some of the things that are going on with me. I will post an update tomorrow and let everyone know how it goes. Fingers crossed and I hope everyone out there, has a good, pain free, day! :)

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