Saturday, April 27, 2013

Crazy days and finally a little fun.

So, the past week has been a little crazy. Long story short, it started with a medicine change, then a day of the worst pain I have ever felt in my life, an ambulance ride to the emergency room, and a quickly rescheduled appointment with the new neurologist. I had the most severe seizures that I have ever had on Wednesday. My regular neurologist put me on new meds and took me off my old pain medicine. I do believe that was a mistake. I was rushed to the ER after a day that I thought would never end. They did a CT scan and said everything was normal, gave me a couple shots to help the pain and nausea and sent me home.

I was originally scheduled to see the new neurologist on May 13, but after what happened I called and they were able to get me in yesterday. That was a waste of time. The only thing he offered was to admit me and hook me up to an EEG and see if I would have a seizure. I turned that offer down so he is attempting to refer me to a new neurosurgeon and try to see if any further surgery is needed. I wanted him to just agree that the Mayo Clinic would be the best but that didn't happen so it was technically a waste of a trip.

We got a good price on a room for two nights so at least we got a vacation out of it. Today we went to the Jacksonville Zoo. It was nice to get away and have some family time. My head is still in pain from Wednesday but I needed a day away and to have some fun sooo bad. I know I am going to be sore from all of the walking, but time with my boys and trying to keep being sick out of my head was well worth it.

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