Sunday, November 18, 2012

Another one of those days

Today has not been such a great day. Heck, since Friday has been tough. I have had migraines and been sick all weekend. I felt fine and it hit out of the blue. I spent Friday and Saturday glued to the couch, feeling terrible. This morning when I woke up, I felt a little better but could still feel it lingering. I knew that I had to go to the store to get food and all that we need for Thanksgiving dinner so I got myself together and managed to get through it. Of course, I then came home and pretty much went straight back to the couch with my husband and son as soon as everything was put away.

I think all of the problems I have been facing the past few days is adjusting to my new medication schedule. It has drained me to the point where I don't want to do anything other than lay on the couch and sleep. It has also gotten me to the point that I hate that I am living all this. I try to be as strong as I can, but you can't be strong all the time. Everyone with an illness is going to face times where they hate having to live life the way they do and can't just be "normal". Most days, I can accept it. Today is just not one of those days. Today is one of the days where I just want to scream, throw things, and wonder if this is ever going to get better or just continue to get worse. I know this sounds weak, but I feel that everyone is entitled to have weak moments.

I know that there are people out there that have it way worse than I do. I truly feel for those people. I know the pain and difficulties that I face and I don't think I could even begin to know what to do if I had something worse. If it weren't for my husband, son, family, friends, and all of those in my support system, I would be having a lot rougher time with all of this. I am truly trying to make my problems eye openers for people who have no clue about my conditions. People need to open their eyes to not only the things I am facing, but all the diseases out there that many people have no clue about.

While I know that I will get past this, just like I always do, I know that I need to work on ways to snap myself out of these moods I get into sometimes faster. I will get there. I will not stop until I am able to turn my conditions into something good. It may take some time, for not only me, but for those around me who mean the most to me, I have to make the best of what I have.

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