Monday, November 5, 2012

Plans for my day have changed

Well, I was supposed to go see my Pain Management doctor today but that isn't going to happen. I am going to have to reschedule and since I am unable to give 24 hour notice, I am going to have to pay $35. I woke up this morning with a terrible headache and feeling really sick. Neither one of my nausea medicines are helping. I really can't wait until I wake up one morning and feel good. Heck, I can't wait to stop having new problems pop up all the time. As soon as I begin to accept one thing, another gets added to my plate. It feels like a never ending ordeal.

I am kinda glad that I won't be able to go. When I saw him the first time, he knew what Chiari Malformation was but I had to explain a lot about it to him. I have just been having that gut feeling that he wouldn't do anything anyways. I just have the feeling that he was going to tell me to either keep taking the medicine I am already on or keep working with my other doctors to see what they want to do. I hate having to see multiple doctors. I just wish that I could only have to see one doctor. When all of this started, I thought that they would all be talking to each other to try to come up with a plan for me but that doesn't seem to be the case.

As far as the Chiari and Syringomyelia is going, there doesn't seem to be any improvement. The only thing that has changed is that my incision no longer hurts but inside near the surgical area is still causing me severe pain. My others symptoms seem to either be staying the same with some getting worse. I knew going into the surgery that there was a big chance that it wouldn't change anything. The bad part is, I had my hopes up that I was going to be one of the lucky ones. I had the idea in my head that either all my symptoms were going to disappear or I was only going to have a few lingering ones,

Tomorrow I have yet another neurologist appointment. I am actually kind of excited about that. I am anxious to see if him and my surgeon have discussed anything and have tried to come up with a plan. The last I head, the surgeon wanted to neurologists notes. For 2 months, the surgeon's office acted like they really didn't want to give me the time of day and now all of a sudden, they want to act like they care. Today has been one week since my last seizure. I am very happy about that. We still don't know why I am having them. No one seems to know if they are regular seizures or a side effect from my brain surgery.

Walking around like this every day is becoming so exhausting and depressing. I don't even want to leave my house anymore and when I do, 90% of the time it is to go to the doctor. The doctors that want to take you seriously can't really do anything since they aren't specialists and the ones who are, a lot of them seem to have the God complex. All I am asking for is to be in less pain, and to get some answers. I just want to be able to live as normal of a life as I possibly can.

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