Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Visit to My Primary Care Manager

So, today was the day that I was supposed to go deal with my high cholesterol. That didn't happen. I hadn't felt good all day. I tried everything, including an early nap to try to relieve some of my issues. Since I woke up this morning, I had the normal headache, pain, nausea, pressure, vision disturbances, and the dizzy/head rush feeling every time I stood up. My husband came home and I managed to get ready and get out the door. I warned him before we left that I had been feeling dizzy so to stay close. We got to the clinic a little early so we decided to stop and get a snack thinking that it would help me feel a little better.

When we got to the doctor's office, I checked in and we took our son over to the play area. He had a blast. I just kept thinking to myself, at least he is finally having fun. I have been feeling so horrible and it upsets me that I haven't been able to do as many things with him as I wish I could. While sitting there waiting to be called, a mild seizure hit. I felt it coming on so I pulled my hubby closer to me and laid my head on his should. Next thing I knew, I was coming out of it and he said I had been out for about 7 minutes. Everything was so sore so I knew I must have tensed up. Luckily, it was really violent and there weren't any kids around to see it.

We finally got back into a room and while I was waiting for the doctor to come in, it hit again. This time was only about 2 minutes. The doctor came in not too long after so I was still kind of out of it. She started asking me questions and I just remember my husband starting to tell her what had changed and had been going on. After he explained the seizures and other issues to her, she started going over all of my test results. She wanted to run another round of labs on some things that had been high. She also started that she wanted to wait until my other issues were under control until she started me on any medicine for my cholesterol. Once that was addressed, she started in with the MRI results. She always takes more time to go over everything than the specialists do. In her opinion, she thought it would be best to let my team of specialists work together to figure out what needed to be done. I didn't have an issue with that since she is a great doctor and always does anything she can to help. She prescribed even more medicine. The dizziness and nausea have been so bad that she gave me some sea sick patches to wear that she said are given to people before they go on cruises to see if they would help. She also said that there was some fluid in my ears and prescribed some medicine for that and said that it could be either causing some of the dizziness or at least aggravating it. One of the things she said that upset me the most was that I wouldn't be able to drive until the seizures were under control for an entire year! BOOOOO!!!

Even though this wasn't my best appointment with her, it is nice to know that she is at least on my team. When we were done, we headed to the lab to get the blood draw. It took 2 people and 4 sticks before they finally got enough blood to run the tests. They kept getting right into the veins, but for some reason the blood would just not come out. They said I may be a little dehydrated, but after using a pediatric needle and a syringe, they got what they needed. It was finally over. I had had enough being there so I just asked my husband to pick my prescriptions up tomorrow instead of sitting there even long.

We came home and rested and my night decided to get more eventful. I felt bad that my son wanted to play so I decided to tolerate the pain and race him down the hallway. Right as I turned into my bedroom, I split 2 of my toes on the door and heard a crack. I swear, if something bad is going to happen, it will happen to me! My loving husband came and checked on me and finished getting things ready for bed. He carried everything to the room and made me an ice pack. I swear I don't know what I would do without that man. He has been there beside me through everything.

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