Thursday, October 18, 2012

Poked, Scanned, and Sent home.

Well, I got to spend another lovely evening in the ER last night. This time was a little different though. They were actually nice and didn't down play how I was feeling or blow me off. My husband came home from work and I was passed out on the couch. When I came to, I was so confused and he was just there. I never remember anything when this happens. I guess a few minutes later, I did it again and started having a mild seizure. Same thing happened. I don't remember and just woke up confused to him telling me what happened. I was fine for a couple minutes. He got me back on the couch and the third hit. I guess this one was a little worse with the tensing up. When I woke up, my neighbor was also there. I don't remember her even coming over. I asked what happened and he told me and said that she had come over while I was still awake. It was all a blur. She took my son next door to her house and kept him while we decided to go ahead and go get me checked out. The whole thing is just a blur. I just remember telling him that I was exhausted, confused, and had intense pressure and pain in the back of my head.

When we got to the ER, they put me in a nice room and immediately hooked me up to an IV and drew some blood for the doctor to run tests. The nurse was very friendly. The doctor came in and my husband and I explained it all to him. What had happened, the seizures, my having Chiari and Syringomyelia, my decompression surgery, etc. I even remember him just looking at me with this look like Oh my God! He even said that he felt like I was sending him back to medical school with all of it. I just kept thinking that it all seemed to easy and was waiting for whatever bad was going to happen. The ran labs, sent me for a CT Scan, and gave me some meds. The doctor said most likely he would be keeping me at least overnight just to watch things. All the tests came back normal.

The hospitalist finally came in and agreed that I would probably be staying so my husband left to go pick up out son since it was getting late and get him home to bed. I had no problem with this because I heard him on the phone crying that he wanted us. Living the life of a military family and being so far away from your family, you get used to these types of things. After the hospitalist was done talking, she went to consult a neurologist. She came back into the room and said that I would be able to go home. The neurologist didn't believe it would make a difference whether I stayed there or went home. All they wanted me to do was increase my dose of seizure medicine and get in with my neurologist sooner. That was fine with me. I knew that if I stayed and something else happened that it would be the best place for me and that they would be able to witness the episodes and maybe get some clue as to what was going on. On the other hand, I just wanted to be at home with my son and husband. I had never been so uncomfortable and just wanted to be in my own bed with my little family.

I'm not sure if this is related to my Chiari or the fluid collections I have around the posterior fossa but I do know, when the spells happen, I have extreme pain in that area. All I know to try to explain it to them is like I have been hit in the back of the head with a baseball bat.

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